
Contract Packaging - Packaging Materials - Vendor Managed Inventory - Commercial Print

Friday, February 27, 2015



6am Sunday morning, there is not a single car or headlight to be seen, the same can be said for the roads, they aren’t visible.

This perhaps explains why no vehicles other than mine are out and about, and I swear I just saw 4 deer, 3 raccoon and some coyote trying to start a fire to get warm. This then begs the question that’s running through my mind...."what are you doing??" Oh that’s right, I’m headed to Philly for the first trade show we have done in a couple years. Once I cleared the tunnels in Pa. the roads cleared and the weather improved. I was looking forward to arriving and quickly checking in. The hotel was attached to the convention center, so I wouldn’t have to go out in the weather, and with numerous boxes and items needed in our show booth, I was glad we booked this hotel. Once I checked in, I quickly realized that the saying the hotel was attached to the convention center, was like saying California is attached to Ohio. It is, but just with a dozen states between us.....

On my third trip between the booth and the hotel, I was asked by a Sherpa guide if I needed help...maybe not, I was a little light headed by that point. Well four hours later, the booth was good to go, and I had covered enough ground to qualify for the 2018 Olympics.

The show was the first in Philly for Pack Expo, and the 5000 registered attendees was a record number. We were not disappointed; Dave Frass and I worked the show all three days, and returned with numerous leads and contacts to follow up with. Some are even local to Ohio, which was a pleasant surprise.
With another show in June, I am very pleased with what we learned in Philly, and am I looking forward to our next. Hopefully minus the snowstorms and Sherpa guides!!

-Michael Treb

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What is A Packaging Specialist?

Edmund Leonard said...a spec is not an epitaph written at the end of development, but a working communication for the use of the thing developed.. This is good food for thought for those of us in the packaging business and a good step in demonstrating the clear communication required between the packaging specialist and the manufacturer.

What is a packaging specialist? A technologist. Since nearly everything grown or made must be packaged for identity, product protection, distribution and marketing, there is a need for good people who use a common language.

From the process of idea generation to designs, models, samples and functional testing to a tentative spec, this working communication allows manufacturing and quality control people to do their jobs, by including quality criteria and levels required in the delivered materials.

This is simple sounding but difficult to communicate true understanding among dozens of people involved at the decision-making level in purchasing, selling, manufacturing, delivering, examining, and using a specified packaging material.

Call us today and we will help make your design into a spec!